01 GIS Lecture

GIS lecture is a set of slides from a Powerpoint presentation complementing the textbook. In the introduction we will define some basic terms. A brief summary of the state of research and development is then given. The lecture gives basic facts on the functional and technical methods used in a GIS. First we will talk about the earth and how we create coordinates on such a complex figure, the so-called spatial referencing. Then we will deal with data, data types and the Geo-object and its dimensions. In short we will go through the the processing chain in a GIS: IMAP stands for Input, Management, Analysis and Presentation. Products and standards are the bases for the success of GIS nowadays and the huge variety of GIS applications. As an outlook current research aspects are illustrated.

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Author Ralf Bill
Maintainer Ralf Bill
Last Updated March 27, 2020, 17:05 (CET)
Created March 26, 2020, 09:17 (CET)