GIS Workshop/Introduction
Introduction to GIS -
01 GIS Lecture
GIS lecture is a set of slides from a Powerpoint presentation complementing the textbook. In the introduction we will define some basic terms. A brief summary of the state of... -
05 GIS textbook
A textbook for international GIS Courses. This material gives an introduction to spatial information processing. It includes chapters on: - Geographic Information Systems (GIS)... -
04 GIS Project
In your GIS project you work with one of the UN SDG indicators, defining own research questions. This will help you getting familiar with SDG and the situation worldwide.... -
08a GIS QGIS Installation guide lines
QGIS is an open source software that is recommended to be used in DiveCropS. This document gives some download and install instructions. -
08b GIS QGIS workshop
A short workshop on QGIS to become familiar with the software. -
07a GIS Literature
Bill, R., Grenzdörffer, G., Wiebensohn, J. (2020): GIS in Agriculture. (Preprint, will be published in: Kresse, W., Danko, D.M.(Eds.): Handbook of Geographic Information. Springer)